Clairemont Repeater Association
Emergency first, courtesy always



New Associates

We extend a warm welcome to the following new Associates!

  • Jeff, KN6SRY
  • Jeff, KO6BUV
  • Joe, KM6RPA
  • John, KN6YMI
  • Tom, N6YKO

March Breakfast Meeting

Here are some highlights from the bi-monthly breakfast meeting on March 16th:

  • Dave, W6DLR, covered plans for Field Day 2024 (June 22). CLARA is planning a weekend camping trip at Rolling M Ranch Campground in Chino Hills State Park. Several people will be camping both Friday and Saturday nights. Be sure to reserve a camp site if you plan to stay overnight; the sites we've reserved are near the end of the loop.
    For awareness: Campfires, ground fires, and the use of charcoal grills are not permitted in the park. A permit is required to use portable gas stoves, lanterns, or heaters. You can get a California campfire permit free of charge here.
  • Congratulations to Alex, KJ6RUB, for being voted in as a Member.
  • Congratulations to Paula for winning the $150 HRO gift certificate.
  • Thank you to Carl, K06BUB for donating fishing nets for the raffle, and congratulations to Alex, KJ6RUB; Frank, KC6ABS; Jade, K6JDJ; Kate, K6KTY; Todd, KI6RBW; and Vaughn, KE6V, for winning fishing nets.
  • Thank you to Dave, KD6DDM, for donating a KD6DDM hat for the raffle, and congratulations to Mike, N6QG, for winning the hat.
  • Join this week's Ham in the Hotseat on Tuesday evening immediately following the weekly information net at 7pm to learn more about Joe, KM6RPA. If you are interested in volunteering for Ham in the Hotseat, please reach out to Eric, K6EDK, or Steve, K6ITR.
CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024

Net News

The popular Ham in the Hotseat net resumed in February. It immediately follows the CLARA Information net on Tuesdays at 7pm. Ham in the Hotseat is an opportunity to learn more about the people you hear on the radio, and ask them some questions if you'd like. Join us to learn more about:

  • Joe, KM6RPA on Tuesday March 19th
  • No Ham in the Hotseat on Tuesday March 26th

If you would like to volunteer for Ham in the Hotseat, please speak up at on one of the weekly nets, or reach out using the Contact link at the bottom of the page.

February Tailgate Party

CLARA held a tailgate party on February 17th in Tustin, with a strong turnout of 33 members, associates, and friends, plus a few dogs. It was a fun evening with multiple repeater groups represented.

CLARA Tailgate Feb 2024 CLARA Tailgate Feb 2024 CLARA Tailgate Feb 2024 CLARA Tailgate Feb 2024 CLARA Tailgate Feb 2024 CLARA Tailgate Feb 2024 CLARA Tailgate Feb 2024 CLARA Tailgate Feb 2024 CLARA Tailgate Feb 2024 CLARA Tailgate Feb 2024 CLARA Tailgate Feb 2024 CLARA Tailgate Feb 2024 CLARA Tailgate Feb 2024 CLARA Tailgate Feb 2024 CLARA Tailgate Feb 2024

Photo credit goes to Dale, WE6ER, Steve, K6ITR, and Darcy, WI6ORG.

New Members and Associates

We extend a warm welcome to the following new Members and Associates!

  • Adam, KO6CEE
  • Alex, KJ6RUB
  • Craig, KI6WLP
  • Brad, KO6DIQ
  • Dana, KE6ESH
  • Dave, KD6DDM
  • George, AK6ET
  • Mike, K6OLY
  • Neil, KN6NNJ
  • Peter, WD6DVT
  • Rich, N6WPX
(If you expected to see your name here and it's not, don't worry. A few applications are still pending and will be published as soon as we have all the information.)

January Breakfast Meeting

The bi-monthly breakfast meeting was held on January 20th. Congratulations to Alex, KJ6RUB, for winning the $150 HRO gift certificate and a KD6DDM hat.

CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024

Photo credit goes to Steve, K6ITR, and Jade, K6JDJ.

Volunteers Needed for KPARN

The Kaiser Permanente Amateur Radio Network (KPARN) is requesting additional FCC licensed amateur radio operators to volunteer for public service communication activity at the two Kaiser Permanente Medical Centers in Irvine and Anaheim.

The KPARN net is the fourth Wednesday of every month from the radio room in the hospital. The radio equipment is installed at the hospital, with temperature control and built-in emergency power; no “go kits” or other field-type resources are required. Volunteers will need to attend orientation, including three FEMA online classes (ICS 100, 200 & 700), a California SEMS online class, and a hospital orientation presentation with a brief tour of the hospital. Each of these training activities requires about an hour to complete. Photo ID badges are issued to applicants who complete the orientation.

If you or anyone you know is interested in volunteering at Kaiser Permanente Hospitals, please visit the web site ( for further information and a volunteer application form, or email KPARN dot org at gmail dot com.

December Tailgate Party

CLARA held a tailgate-style holiday party on December 16th in Tustin, with a strong turnout of 30 members, associates, and friends. People brought food to share, including several varieties of chili and cornbread, rolls, pickled jalapenos, Mexican-style hot chocolate, and tasty desserts. It was a fun evening with something for everyone; there were candy-making and metal detector demonstrations, a drone, some wheeled toys for adult boys, radio reprogramming, and a collection for Toys for Tots.

CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023 CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023 CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023 CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023 CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023 CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023 CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023 CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023

New Club Call Sign

CLARA has a new club call sign, N6CRA, short for Clairemont Repeater Association. The new club call sign will be used for CLARA events such as Field Day.

Trip to Santiago Peak

Part of the CLARA tech team visited Santiago Peak over the weekend for routine repeater maintenance. Pictured near the peak are Bob, KD6IOW; Dale, WE6ER; Jeff, N6JSV; and Steve, K6ITR. A couple of goats also made a surprise appearance.

CLARA tech team CLARA tech team CLARA tech team

CLARA Field Day featured in QST Magazine

The December 2023 issue of the QST Magazine, page 66, features CLARA at Field Day 2023 with a nice group photo taken by Dave, W6DLR. ARRL members can view the full QST magazine online at

CLARA in QST Magazine Dec 2023

Reprinted with permission, December 2023 QST; copyright ARRL.

Amateur Radio Test Sessions at Irvine Valley College

Looking for an amateur radio test session near you? The Irvine Valley College Amateur Radio Club is now offering test sessions in Irvine. To find upcoming test sessions near you, check

New Associates

We extend a warm welcome to new Associates Tom, WA6TZ, and Greg, KC6PCB!

November Breakfast Meeting

The bi-monthly breakfast meeting on November 18th was well-attended. Highlights include:

  • Steve, K6ITR, gave an update on the tech team's trip to Santiago Peak to do a maintenance and wellness check on the repeater. Steve said the repeater now has a 3-minute timeout.
  • The proposed update to the CLARA Bylaws was approved. The bylaws can now be accessed from the bottom of the Membership page.
  • Dave, W6DLR, showed the December issue of QST magazine featuring CLARA Field Day 2023, and said CLARA is planning a weekend camping trip for Field Day 2024 (June 22). The proposed location is Rolling M Ranch in Chino Hills State Park. Stay tuned for more information.
  • Every Christmas season, CLARA supports Toys for Tots, a US Marine Corps Foundation that provides gifts to children in need. If you'd like to donate, bring a new, unwrapped toy to the December tailgate party.
  • Congratulations to Jade, K6JDJ, for winning the raffle.
  • Congratulations to Garrett, KN6NYR, for being voted in as a Member.
  • Welcome to new Associates, Hank, KO6H, and Carl, KO6BUB!
CLARA Breakfast Nov 2023 CLARA Breakfast Nov 2023 CLARA Breakfast Nov 2023 CLARA Breakfast Nov 2023

Photo credit goes to Darcy, WI6ORG.

Full Moon Hike

Several CLARA members and friends enjoyed a hike Friday evening on Santiago Truck Trail in Modjeska Canyon. It was a fun evening, complete with costumes, giant spiders, and a lovely sunset followed by a bright full moon.

Full Moon Hike Oct 2023 Full Moon Hike Oct 2023 Full Moon Hike Oct 2023 Full Moon Hike Oct 2023 Full Moon Hike Oct 2023 Full Moon Hike Oct 2023 Full Moon Hike Oct 2023 Full Moon Hike Oct 2023 Full Moon Hike Oct 2023 Full Moon Hike Oct 2023

If you are interested in participating in events like this in the future, join the CLARA weekly nets, and follow The Unofficial 145.220 Repeater Group on Facebook.

Photo credit goes to Jade, K6JDJ; Eric, K6EDK; and Darcy, WI6ORG.

Tailgate Video

Thanks to Mike, N6QG, we have a video of the tailgate party with a bird's eye view from his drone.

October Tailgate Party

CLARA had a bi-monthly tailgate party on October 21st. It was held in Corona, and was well attended by radio enthusiasts from both sides of the mountain. It was a nice evening with friends, perfect weather, dogs, a drone, and lots of fun conversations.

CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023 CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023 CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023 CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023 CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023 CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023 CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023 CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023 CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023 CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023 CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023 CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023 CLARA Tailgate Oct 2023

Photo credit goes to Jade, K6JDJ; and Jeff, N6JSV.

STEM Net is now Recorded

The Thursday night STEM Net by Dale (WE6ER) is now being recorded and published at CLARA 145.220 STEM Net on Spotify. Thanks to Kevin (AJ6EE) for setting this up, and doing the recording and editing.

September Breakfast Meeting

CLARA had a bi-monthly breakfast meeting on September 16th. Topics included board member reports, updates to the website, a proposed new logo for stickers and/or shirts, and a proposed update to the CLARA bylaws. Voting members who were not in attendance will receive a voting package by email for the bylaws. Congratulations to Dale, WE6ER, for winning the HRO gift certificate. Welcome to new Associates Ruben, KN6ZJM, and Neal, KM6YY!

CLARA Breakfast Sept 2023 CLARA Breakfast Sept 2023 CLARA Breakfast Sept 2023 CLARA Breakfast Sept 2023

Photo credit goes to Darcy, WI6ORG.

New Website

CLARA has a new website. If you see any issues, please contact us.

CLARA Board Elections

CLARA board elections for the 2023-2024 year were held on July 15th. Congratulations to the new and re-elected board members:

PresidentJade, K6JDJ
First Vice PresidentJeff, N6JSV
Second Vice PresidentGeorge, KM6AFI
TreasurerDale, WE6ER
SecretaryDave, W6DLR
First Member at LargeEric, K6EDK
Second Member at LargeJohn, K6JG
Third Member at LargeBobby, KD6IOW

Steve, K6ITR, continues as the CLARA trustee.

Field Day 2023

CLARA held its first Field Day event in over 10 years on June 25th 2023. The event was held at Borrego Park in Lake Forest. We had a great turnout and it was a fun day, with plenty of contacts made. Thanks to Dave, W6DLR for spearheading and coordinating the successful event, and to everyone who helped and participated.

CLARA Field Day 2023 CLARA Field Day 2023 CLARA Field Day 2023 CLARA Field Day 2023 CLARA Field Day 2023 CLARA Field Day 2023 CLARA Field Day 2023 CLARA Field Day 2023 CLARA Field Day 2023 CLARA Field Day 2023 CLARA Field Day 2023 CLARA Field Day 2023 CLARA Field Day 2023 CLARA Field Day 2023

Photo credit goes to Dave, W6DLR; John, KM6TRU; and Darcy, WI6ORG.

New Trustee Appointed

Congratulations to Steve, K6ITR, who has been appointed trustee for the Clairemont Repeater Association. Steve's appointment follows the retirement of former trustee of many years, Roy, N6SLD.

First Tailgate Party in Inland Empire

October 16, 2022

CLARA held our October Tailgate Party in Corona, so operators from both sides of Santiago Peak got a chance to meet. Despite some rain, the event was well attended, with 32 participants.

CLARA Tailgate Party - Oct 2022 CLARA Tailgate Party - Oct 2022 CLARA Tailgate Party - Oct 2022

Photo credit goes to Jeff, N6JSV.

CLARA Board Elections

July 16, 2022

CLARA board elections for the 2022-2023 year were held on July 16th. Congratulations to the new and re-elected board members:

PresidentDavid, W6DS
First Vice PresidentSteve, K6ITR
Second Vice PresidentDave, W6DLR
TreasurerDale, WE6ER
SecretaryGeorge, KM6AFI
First Member at LargeEric, K6EDK
Second Member at LargeJay, N6IGI
Third Member at LargeJohn, K6JG

Roy, N6SLD, continues as the CLARA trustee.
