Clairemont Repeater Association
Emergency first, courtesy always


Welcome to the home of the Clairemont Repeater Association.

CLARA is a non-profit service organization serving most of the Southern California Amateur Radio area. Visitors are welcome to use our repeater systems for short QSOs as long as they practice courteous and considerate operating procedures. Join us if you are looking for a great repeater group, want to expand your Amateur Radio experiences, and would like to make friends along the way. Learn more.

CLARA has a new PayPal address. See the Membership page for details.

Upcoming Events:
September 21: CLARA breakfast meeting
October 19: CLARA tailgate party


August Tailgate Party

Clara's bi-monthly tailgate party was August 17th in Tustin. It was a fun event, with lots of delicious homemade cookies.

CLARA Tailgate August 2024 CLARA Tailgate August 2024 CLARA Tailgate August 2024 CLARA Tailgate August 2024 CLARA Tailgate August 2024 CLARA Tailgate August 2024 CLARA Tailgate August 2024

Photo credit goes to Darcy, WI6ORG.

July Breakfast

Here are highlights from the July 20th CLARA breakfast:

  • The annual election was held. Congratulations to the new and re-elected board members:
    - President - Dale, WE6ER
    - First Vice President - Eric, K6EDK
    - Second Vice President - George, KM6AFI
    - Secretary - Dave, W6DLR
    - Treasurer - Jeff, N6JSV
    - First Member at Large - Bob, KD6IOW
    - Second Member at Large - Brian, AG6UH
    - Third Member at Large - Vaughn, KE6V
    Steve, K6ITR, continues as the CLARA trustee.
  • Outgoing president Jade, K6JDJ, thanked everyone for their support and involvement for the past year, and the group thanked her for her service.
  • Steve, K6ITR, updated the group that the tech team has done some tuning for the settings on the new repeater, that it is sounding pretty good, and to let him or the tech team know of any issues.
  • Dave, W6DLR, covered results from Field Day 2024.
  • Incoming president Dale, WE6ER, asked everyone to think about goals for the upcoming year, for discussion at the next breakfast meeting in September.
  • Congratulations to the lucky raffle winners:
    - Todd, KI6RBW, won a compass
    - Joe, KM6RPA, and Alex, KJ6RUB won headlamps
    - Darcy, WI6ORG, won a sun hat
    - Jeff, N6JSV, won the Luxe bidet
    - Mike, N6QG, won the alternate prize of Charmin Ultra Soft
    - Garrett, KN6NYR, won a $150 gift certificate to Ham Radio Outlet
  • Thank you to Eric, K6EDK, and Jade, K6JDJ, for donating the bidet, hat, compass, and headlamps for the raffle. (And thank you to Vaughn, KE6V, for donating the Charmin.)
CLARA Breakfast July 2024 CLARA Breakfast July 2024 CLARA Breakfast July 2024 CLARA Breakfast July 2024 CLARA Breakfast July 2024 CLARA Breakfast July 2024 CLARA Breakfast July 2024 CLARA Breakfast July 2024


The annual election for the CLARA Board will be held at the July 20th CLARA breakfast. In order to vote, Clara Members must have paid their yearly dues, which are due July 1st. Rumor has it there will be some cool raffle prizes at the July breakfast meeting, in addition to the HRO certificate. Come and see!

On July 27th, the CLARA 2-meter repeater will be used to coordinate the Harding Hustle 15K, 30K, and 50K trail run from around 5am to noon. Please allow this group uninterrupted access to the repeater during the event.

Field Day 2024

For ARRL Field Day this year, CLARA members, friends, and family spent the weekend camping at Rolling M Ranch campground in Chino Hills. It was a hot but fun weekend. All together we made more than 90 contacts using the club call sign, N6CRA.

CLARA Field Day June 2024 CLARA Field Day June 2024 CLARA Field Day June 2024 CLARA Field Day June 2024 CLARA Field Day June 2024 CLARA Field Day June 2024 CLARA Field Day June 2024 CLARA Field Day June 2024 CLARA Field Day June 2024 CLARA Field Day June 2024 CLARA Field Day June 2024 CLARA Field Day June 2024 CLARA Field Day June 2024 CLARA Field Day June 2024 CLARA Field Day June 2024 CLARA Field Day June 2024

Photo credit goes to Garrett, KN6NYR, Dave, W6DLR, Jade, K6JDJ, Steve, K6ITR, and Darcy, WI6ORG.

Tailgate Videos

Check out these videos of some of our talented CLARA members at the last tailgate party. Thanks to Bill, KN6SMP, for taking and sharing the videos.

June Tailgate Party

Clara held the bi-monthly tailgate party on June 15th in Tustin. It was a fun event, with 26 people, 4 dogs, lots of treats, and live music.

CLARA Tailgate June 2024 CLARA Tailgate June 2024 CLARA Tailgate June 2024 CLARA Tailgate June 2024 CLARA Tailgate June 2024 CLARA Tailgate June 2024 CLARA Tailgate June 2024 CLARA Tailgate June 2024 CLARA Tailgate June 2024 CLARA Tailgate June 2024

Photo credit goes to Darcy, WI6ORG, and Dave, W6DLR.

Ham Scramble 2024

It was a beautiful day on Mount Baldy! More than 20 CLARA members, friends, and family met for the annual Ham Scramble on the Saturday before Memorial Day. Kyle, KY6LE, carried a 50+ pound pack to the summit, where he served pulled pork sandwiches to those who summited. Bob, KD6IOW, carried his snowboard to the top and enjoyed a ride down the snowy saddle. After the hike, everyone met at Top of the Notch for snacks, drinks, and stories. It was a great day all around.

CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024 CLARA Ham Scramble 2024

Photo credit goes to Alex, KJ6RUB; Jade, K6JDJ; Steve, K6ITR; Garrett, KN6NYR; and Darcy, WI6ORG.

May Breakfast

The bi-monthly breakfast meeting on May 18th was well attended. Here are some highlights:

  • Jade, K6JDJ, thanked everyone for participating on the radio and at events, invited everyone to the next tailgate party on June 15th in Tustin, and also to join the annual Ham Scramble hike at Mount Baldy on Saturday May 25th. See the sidebar for details.
  • Dave, W6DLR, covered plans for ARRL Field Day 2024 (June 22), a weekend camping trip at Rolling M Ranch Campground in Chino Hills State Park. See the sidebar for details.
  • Steve, K6ITR, updated the group that a new 2-meter repeater was installed on Friday on Santiago Peak in place of the old one. He explained that it is and will remain an analog repeater.
  • The proposed updates to the CLARA Operating Procedures passed by a unanimous vote of the members present at the meeting. The Operating Procedures are now available online from the bottom of the Membership page.
  • Eric, K6EDK, updated the group that starting in June, he will be hosting the Trivia Net only on the first and third Wednesdays of each month.
  • Congratulations to Kevin, AJ6EE, Peter, WD6DVT, and Ruben, KN6ZJM, who were voted in as Members.
  • Congratulations to the lucky raffle winners:
    - Alex, KJ6RUB, and George, KM6AFI, won hats from Bass Pro Shops.
    - Kate, K6KTY, won a Luxe bidet.
    - Jade, K6JDJ, won a $150 gift certificate to Ham Radio Outlet.
  • Thank you to Eric, K6EDK, and Jade, K6JDJ, for donating the bidet and hats for the raffle.
CLARA Breakfast May 2024 CLARA Breakfast May 2024 CLARA Breakfast May 2024 CLARA Breakfast May 2024 CLARA Breakfast May 2024 CLARA Breakfast May 2024 CLARA Breakfast May 2024 CLARA Breakfast May 2024 CLARA Breakfast May 2024 CLARA Breakfast May 2024 CLARA Breakfast May 2024 CLARA Breakfast May 2024 CLARA Breakfast May 2024

April Tailgate Party

CLARA held a tailgate party on April 20th in Corona, complete with friends, live music, and a few dogs.

CLARA Tailgate Apr 2024 CLARA Tailgate Apr 2024 CLARA Tailgate Apr 2024 CLARA Tailgate Apr 2024 CLARA Tailgate Apr 2024 CLARA Tailgate Apr 2024 CLARA Tailgate Apr 2024 CLARA Tailgate Apr 2024 CLARA Tailgate Apr 2024 CLARA Tailgate Apr 2024 CLARA Tailgate Apr 2024 CLARA Tailgate Apr 2024 CLARA Tailgate Apr 2024

Photo credit goes to Stuart, AK6ET, Jade, K6JDJ, and Steve, K6ITR.

New Associates

We extend a warm welcome to the following new Associates!

  • Jeff, KN6SRY
  • Jeff, KO6BUV
  • Joe, KM6RPA
  • John, KN6YMI
  • Tom, N6YKO

March Breakfast Meeting

Here are some highlights from the bi-monthly breakfast meeting on March 16th:

  • Dave, W6DLR, covered plans for Field Day 2024 (June 22). CLARA is planning a weekend camping trip at Rolling M Ranch Campground in Chino Hills State Park. Several people will be camping both Friday and Saturday nights. Be sure to reserve a camp site if you plan to stay overnight; the sites we've reserved are near the end of the loop.
    For awareness: Campfires, ground fires, and the use of charcoal grills are not permitted in the park. A permit is required to use portable gas stoves, lanterns, or heaters. You can get a California campfire permit free of charge here.
  • Congratulations to Alex, KJ6RUB, for being voted in as a Member.
  • Congratulations to Paula for winning the $150 HRO gift certificate.
  • Thank you to Carl, K06BUB for donating fishing nets for the raffle, and congratulations to Alex, KJ6RUB; Frank, KC6ABS; Jade, K6JDJ; Kate, K6KTY; Todd, KI6RBW; and Vaughn, KE6V, for winning fishing nets.
  • Thank you to Dave, K6DDM, for donating a K6DDM hat for the raffle, and congratulations to Mike, N6QG, for winning the hat.
  • Join this week's Ham in the Hotseat on Tuesday evening immediately following the weekly information net at 7pm to learn more about Joe, KM6RPA. If you are interested in volunteering for Ham in the Hotseat, please reach out to Eric, K6EDK, or Steve, K6ITR.
CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024 CLARA Breakfast Jan 2024

Net News

The popular Ham in the Hotseat net resumed in February. It immediately follows the CLARA Information net on Tuesdays at 7pm. Ham in the Hotseat is an opportunity to learn more about the people you hear on the radio, and ask them some questions if you'd like. Join us to learn more about:

  • Joe, KM6RPA on Tuesday March 19th
  • No Ham in the Hotseat on Tuesday March 26th

If you would like to volunteer for Ham in the Hotseat, please speak up at on one of the weekly nets, or reach out using the Contact link at the bottom of the page.
