CLARA has a new PayPal address as of August 26, 2024:
pay (at) clararepeater (dot) org
If you've paid online before, PayPal will remember the old address. Before paying online again, be sure to remove the old address. To remove it, login to Paypal, then click on the three dots to the right of the "Send again" heading, and choose "Manage Contacts" from the menu. In the contacts list, click on the entry for CLARA. In the popup, select "Remove this contact."
CLARA Membership
There are two types of supporters:
- Associate - $35.00 per year (or $37.00 if paying with PayPal). Print and fill out the application, and send it to the CLARA mailing address below with a check, or pay online by logging into PayPal and sending your payment to pay (at) clararepeater (dot) org, and send a copy of your filled-out application to pay (at) clararepeater (dot) org. (If you are renewing an existing membership, there is no need to send the application again.)
- Member - $75.00 per year (or $78.00 if paying with PayPal) with a one-time initiation fee of $60.00. A Membership includes all licensed members of your household. As a Member, you will receive voting privileges (one vote) and use of the 1.2 GHz repeater. In order to become a Member, a person must be an Associate for at least 6 months, must attend at least 2 club activities as an Associate, and must be voted on by the general membership.
Member and Associate dues are due yearly on July 1st. Dues can be paid as follows:
- Pay online by logging into your PayPal account and sending your payment to pay (at) clararepeater (dot) org, or
- Send a check to the CLARA mailing address below.
If you would like to make a donation to CLARA, you can use other of the way listed above (pay online using PayPal, or send a check to the CLARA mailing address).
If you have any questions, contact the CLARA treasurer.
All funds go to the support and maintenance of the repeater and club expenses such as site rental and insurance.
CLARA Mailing Address
Clairemont Repeater Association
P.O. Box 7675
Huntington Beach, CA 92615